INSPIRE ACTION AND INCREASE FUNDRAISING FOR YOUR MISSION ThumbYour nonprofit relies on successful fundraising events to support its financial goals. But putting on a successful event—getting the right people in the room, entertaining guests, and inspiring giving—requires time, effort, creativity, and attention to detail. Your organization’s ability to manage the moving parts can mean the difference between a successful event that brings in donor funds and one that falls flat, leaving attendees uninspired to take action. Leave those details to us.

At Star Benefit Auctions, we deliver expertly crafted charity auctions that compel guests to connect with your cause, increase charitable giving, and help you turn your dream of world-changing into a fundable reality. We’ve been helping non-profits boost their fundraising through impactful events for nearly two decades—and our influence on the industry has been profound.

To date, we’ve collectively raised millions of dollars to support mission-driven nonprofits.

Turn Your Mission into a Fundable Reality

Our team is masterful at cultivating and tapping into the energy of audiences to generate enthusiasm and inspire action. Though we go into every event with a well-defined strategy that supports your fundraising goals, our communication approach is fluid. With an intrinsic understanding that no two audiences are the same, we are extraordinarily skilled at shifting our delivery as needed to elicit a meaningful response that translates to increased giving. Deeply passionate about your organization and the mission it supports, we go above and beyond to ensure you secure the financial resources needed to advance your cause:

  • We offer comprehensive consulting and strategy development:
    Pre-event planning
    Our team of world-renowned auctioneers begins every engagement by first understanding your organization, its mission, fundraising goals, and your donors. Then we plan. With a comprehensive strategy customized to your non-profit and in-depth knowledge of donor behavior, we deliver a program designed to substantially increase fundraising. In addition, we provide your team with tools and resources to facilitate a successful benefit event while saving time and energy.
    Post-event evaluation
    We know how to get people in the room and drive participation while building a sense of community around your cause. But our work doesn’t stop there. We recognize that fundraising is a year-round process, and we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way. After the event, we analyze what we learned and observed to identify areas of opportunity, ensuring that future strategies are even more effective. We’re not just a one-and-done partner—we’re here to add ongoing value that results in long-term success and growth for your non-profit. What you see during the event is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • We are an extension of your team: When we partner with you, we infuse ourselves into your organization to fully embody your mission. As an extension of your team, we develop an emotional connection with your nonprofit, which allows us to blend knowledge with empathy to create a well-executed and highly engaging event that unites audiences, inspires action, and powers your fundraising goals. We pay close attention to every detail, including the attire we wear to your event to ensure our appearance aligns with your organization’s brand and complements the event’s theme.
  • We boost your presence in the community: We represent your brand image to the larger community, helping you generate buzz and build a positive reputation for your organization. By demonstrating the impact you are making on a broader scale, we’ll help you garner engagement and support for your events, which ultimately translates to increased funds raised.
  • We are one step ahead of emerging trends—and we adapt as needed: With dozens of connections in the industry and a constant finger on the pulse of emerging trends, we know what works, what doesn’t, and which approaches are most likely to result in increased giving to deliver on your fundraising goals. And with a flexible mindset, our team can adapt to the unexpected without missing a beat. Scenarios change, issues emerge, and unexpected challenges can arise at any moment. But with our expertise and experience, we have the ability to handle any situation seamlessly, leaving you with peace of mind and the freedom to focus on what matters most.

Raise More Funds Through Engaging Events:

Your donors are important—and getting more donors translates to long-term success. With a strategic mindset, a passion for the cause, and an emotionally engaging communication approach, our award-winning team will make your nonprofit the Star of the show, inspire your guests, and elicit more donations to help you raise more funds so you can deliver on your mission.

To hear more about how we can power your fundraising goals through engaging events, contact us here.