A night of fundraising for a men’s chorale has changed my life forever.

Last night was a reminder. A whisper from my childhood. An anthem that created me. Surrounded by hundreds of voices and led by a broadway goddess I’ve seen many times before. They had no idea how important that night was to me. I will forever remember it saw and hold it in my heart with me. Friendship of amazing talents …

When time is money, how much can you afford to spend on a joke?

At a recent event, I was hired as the professional auctioneer.  I was advised they had several celebrities in the past acting as the auctioneer, but they believed using a professional would elevate their event.   Knowing their celebrities wanted to be involved and their guests expected to see them we worked out a plan to use the celebrity as …

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Stepping Out of Her Mother’s Footsteps

It took a long time for her mother to become established.  After her 5th competition she was pulled aside by another female and the older woman said “You know you will never win right? This is a good ‘ole boy club and you just won’t win.”  She kept her head high, buttoned her suit jacket, put her shoulders back and …